VLM Landscape Design Ltd provides the full range of professional landscape architectural services including:
- Feasibility and capacity studies
- Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment / Landscape and Visual Appraisal
- Landscape Character Assessment
- Concept Masterplans and Landscape Framework Diagrams
- Design and Access Statements including concept design strategy and the ‘vision’
- Landscape input into planning applications, appeals, discharge of landscape conditions
- Expert witness at public inquiries and hearings
- Hard and soft detailed design, construction drawings, specification
- Contract administration, site supervision, maintenance and management plans
VLM Landscape Design Ltd is experienced in working closely with other professionals including architects, planners, engineers, ecologists, archaeologists, arboriculturalists, GIS and visualisation specialists to provide a multi-disciplinary team as well as working on our own as main consultants to our clients.
Recent projects include:
- Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments for on shore small scale turbine developments in North and South Lanarkshire and Aberdeenshire
- Landscape and Visual Appraisals and Capacity Studies for various housing and mixed use developments
- Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment for a 20 hectare solar farm in South Lanarkshire
- Detailed hard and soft landscape proposals for a student accommodation scheme in Edinburgh
- Detailed hard and soft landscape proposals, boundary treatment details and management and maintenance notes to release conditions attached to a planning permission for a small residential project in Edinburgh